If you require further information regarding elections and
voting that are not addressed here in our FAQ list, please contact the Voter
Registrations and Elections Office at 229-838-6220 ext 210
Where can I register to vote?
where driver's licenses or ID cards are issued
•Offices where persons apply for public assistance or which
administer programs for the disabled
•Voter Registrations and Elections Office
•Stewart County Public School
•All public libraries
•Mail-in applications and online registration are available at:
What are the acceptable types of photo ID for voting?
Each elector shall present proper identification to a
poll worker. Proper identification shall consist of any one of the
A Georgia driver's license which was properly issued by the
appropriate state agency
A valid Georgia voter identification card issued under Code
Section 21-2-417.1 or other valid identification card issued by a branch,
department, agency, or entity of the State of Georgia, any other state, or
the United States authorized by law to issue personal identification,
provided that such identification card contains a photograph of the elector
A valid United States passport
A valid employee identification card containing a photograph of
the elector and issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the
United States government, this state, or any county, municipality, board,
authority, or other entity of this state
A valid United States military identification card, provided that
such identification card contains a photograph of the elector
A valid tribal identification card containing a photograph of the
Those who are entitled to vote by absentee ballot under the Uniformed and
Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act are exempt from this requirement.
Do I have to register by party in Georgia?
No. Georgia has an open primary system. At the primary elections you
will be given the party ballot that you request. Currently, Georgia
only recognizes two political parties; therefore, only Democratic
and Republican party ballots are available at primary elections.
However, you may choose a non-partisan ballot that only
contains races for court officials and any county or state
The primary runoff election is a continuation of the primary
election, therefore, if you vote:
· Democratic in the primary, Democratic must be voted in the
· Republican in the primary, Republican must be voted in the
If you did not vote in the primary, or voted nonpartisan, you may
choose any party in the runoff.
I'm an elderly voter and it’s hard for me to stand in line; are
there any provisions for me?
Yes. On Election Day between the hours of 9:30am and 4:30pm, each
elector who is 75 years of age or older or who is disabled and
requires assistance in voting shall, upon request to a poll officer,
be allowed to immediately vote at the next available voting
compartment without having to wait in line. A disabled or advanced
aged voter may vote an absentee by mail ballot by completing one
application and receiving ballots for that primary and general
election and any runoffs; separate applications must be completed
for special elections and presidential preference primary elections.
Please call 229-838-6220 for details
The hours for voting on Election Day are 7:00am - 7:00pm. Are there any other
The polls
open at 7:00am and close at 7:00pm By law, you have the right to
vote if you are in line at the polling place by the close of the
polls, 7:00pm. You can also vote in advance of Election Day. Below
are several options:
· By mail
beginning 45 days prior to most elections. Applications may be
completed and submitted up to 180 days prior to the election date.
Ballots will be mailed as soon as possible once they are received
from the printer.
In person beginning 21 days prior to most elections at the
Elections Office. Stewart County Voter Registrations and Elections
office is located at 1764 Broad Street, Lumpkin, GA 31815. Voting
hours are 8:30am – 3:30pm daily
Who can vote absentee ballot by mail? And how often do you have to apply?
Any registered voter who is eligible to vote in an election may request an
absentee ballot up to 180 days preceding the election(s). The voter is not
required to provide a reason but there are certain reasons that can be
indicated on the application. Voting by mail allows voters to obtain and
submit their ballots for any election by mail. It’s easy to request a vote
by mail ballot. A request for a vote by mail ballot is election specific.
The application is only valid for one election, unless the voter is disabled
or of advanced age.
If a voter is unable to vote in person because of physical disability or is
65years of age or older, they can mark the designated box on the absentee
ballot application in order to receive a ballot for all elections for that
year except in the case of a Presidential Preference Primary or any Special
Election. In those cases, a separate and distinct application must be made
for each election.
A new application must be submitted each year. Georgia does not have a
permanent absentee voter status.
Can anyone return a voted ballot?
No, by law only the
voter themselves may return their voted ballot, unless the voter is
For a voter who is disabled, an adult relative or an adult
individual residing in the household of the disabled voter may
return the ballot to the Voter Registrations and Elections Office
located at 1764 Broad Street, Lumpkin, GA 31815.
Can a felon vote?
Yes, once all aspects of your felony sentence is completed to include
probation, restitution, or fines.
Are there deadlines for absentee applications and/or absentee ballots?
The last day for the Voter Registrations and Elections Office to accept
completed absentee applications is 3:00pm on the Friday before the election.
The last day ballots are mailed is the Friday before the election. All
applications will be processed in the order received. The Voter
Registrations and Elections Office does not recommend trying to vote by mail
the week prior to the election. Ballots cannot be guaranteed for delivery.
All voted ballots must be received by 7:00pm on
Election Day. Any ballot received after 7:00pm on Election Day will not be
counted, regardless of when the ballot was mailed or postmarked.
voter did not receive the ballot that was mailed. Can another be mailed?
Yes, by law, if the
ballot has not been received by the voter in a reasonable amount of
time, the voter must sign a form stating that the original ballot
was not received and have it notarized. Once the Voter Registrations
and Elections Office has received the notarized form, a second
ballot will be mailed if requested.
If the voter comes into the Voter Registrations and Elections Office
no later than the Friday before Election Day and completes the form
the voter can vote an electronic ballot in the office immediately.
The last day to vote in office is the Friday before an election.
There is no absentee or advance voting on the Monday before the
election or on Election Day.
What happens if I have been issued an absentee ballot but decide I would
rather vote at my precinct on Election Day?
· If you have the ballot, you may take the absentee ballot to your
poll on Election Day, turn the ballot in to the poll manager, and
vote in person at the poll.
· If the ballot has been mailed but has not been received at the
Voter Registrations and Elections Office, the voter must present
himself in person at the polling site and sign an absentee ballot
cancellation form and then the voter can vote in person at the
If the ballot has been received and accepted by the Voter
Registrations and Elections Office, the ballot cannot be
canceled |